Whooo hoo! So I have completed my Christmas shopping! Really?! I have to though, because this is my busiest time of year for work I'm too tired to jostle along with tons of people in a crowded shopping centre. If I go shopping at all in December it has to be when I don't need anything and can enjoy wandering among the lights and atmosphere! So the decorations go up this weekend and the few Christmas cards will be written. I say few because we have been struggling with deciding whether to send or not this year? I wonder how much longer the Christmas card will really last. Carefully chosen this year is a list of people and family we don't get chance to see much or have contact with on Facebook (Yep sorry Facebook friends but you will be getting a very Social 'Merry Christmas' this year!) With the price of stamps increasing, unfortunately money dictates, it quickly adds up. So a busy weekend ahead! Shop news to mention is mainly my finishing dates. Personalised cer...